
  • Gods and Goddesses in Hades 2 have amazing designs, each with unique characteristics and details that make them memorable.
  • The art and character designs in Hades 2 stand out, with the gods and goddesses like Aphrodite and Apollo having distinct appearances.
  • Players can expect a challenging and visually stunning experience in Hades 2, with characters like Hecate and Nemesis adding depth to the game.



Hades 2 has been on Steam in early access for anyone wanting to play the game. Despite not being finished, the game takes hours for the player to beat and has proven to be an amazing experience for anyone who admires games of this type.


Hades 2: Best Aphrodite Boons

Aphrodite, the goddess of love, offers some great boons in Hades 2. Here are her best ones.

A big factor that makes this game so memorable is the art and the amazing character designs in it. The game puts a lot of effort into making the Gods stand out, and make them very memorable. Some of these characters were even in the previous Hades game but still came back with a fresh design. While they’re all amazing in their own ways, some have better designs than others.

7 Aphrodite

island getaway aphrodite poseidon hades 2
  • Goddess of Love
  • Offers the Signature Curse Weak

Aphrodite’s design has changed minimally from her appearance in the first Hades game. She is designed as a very attractive woman, who is, for the most part, naked.

Her pink, long hair covers some of her bits. Her hair often forms heart shapes, and she wears a lot of flowers on her head. She also wears some golden armor on her arms, legs, and neck. In her right hand, she holds a spear with a heart-shaped tip, and in the other, she holds a shield with a heart in the center. Her green accessories make all the other colors pop a lot more.

6 Apollo

  • God of Light
  • Artemis’s Twin Brother

Apollo appears in Hades 2 to offer Melinoe help in her fight by giving her boons. He is the younger twin brother of Artemis, even though they look very much different.

His outfit consists of a glowy golden armor with a sun motif in the middle, fitting for the god of light. His other garments are either red or light blue. He also has a lot of other golden details all over. He has golden-yellow hair with green leaves. He holds what looks like a lyre in his hand.

5 Artemis

  • Goddess of The Hunt
  • Apollo’s Twin Sister

Artemis has had a minor update in her design from her debut in the first Hades game in Hades 2. She will sometimes appear and assist Melinoe in her encounters and offer her a boon.

Artemis stands confident whenever she makes her appearance. She has green hair made into two large braids with a moon symbol on her head. She also wears what looks like deer antlers on her head and has a big animal coat on her head and shoulders. She holds her bow and has a few birds perched on it.

4 Demeter

  • Goddess of Seasons
  • Offers the Signature Curse Freeze

Demeter is a goddess who returned from the first Hades game with a fresh new design. She is incredibly useful with her amazing boons that can freeze enemies.


Hades 2: All Hermes Boons, Ranked

Hermes offers the player many boons to enhance their speed in Hades 2. Here are his best boons.

When it comes to her design, she is shown to be an older woman, as evident from her aging face. Unlike her design in the first Hades, she now wears armor and has tied her hair up. She wears a cape made out of orange leaves and snow, and behind her, a few wilting branches. In her left hand, she holds a sickle, and in her right, a basket.

3 Selene

  • Moon Incarnate
  • Goddess of the Moon

While many characters in Hades 2 have incorporated the moon into their designs, Selene is quite literally the personification of the moon, and it shows in her design.

Selene is very elegant. She wears a long light blue dress with many moon accessories all over. On her head, she has what looks like a two-horned helmet. The two horns make a crescent moon shape. She also has a glowing crescent moon in the middle of the helmet. What also stands out with her is Pegasus, which she rides all the time.

2 Nemesis

  • Retribution Incarnate
  • Goddess of Retribution

Nemesis is a character that might challenge the player sometimes to see who can get more kills during an encounter. The player can also interact with her back at their base, as she stays there.

When it comes to her design, she is quite memorable. She is muscular and wears armor with red details all over. Around her head, there are two floating crimson wings. She holds a sword in her right arm, and a shield on the left one.

1 Hecate

  • Witch of the Crossroads
  • Goddess of Witchcraft and Necromancy

In Hades 2, Hecate is the first boss the player will have to fight. They have to defeat her if they want to enter Oceanus, even though she isn’t technically an enemy.

Hecate’s design is quite easily one of the best in the game. She is quite a fit woman and a lot of her design has some moon details, such as the crescent moon on her hat or her chest. Besides her green eyes, her face is covered with a scarf and she wears a witch hat, a reference to her being the goddess of witchcraft.

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