There is an optional task in Harold Halibut that centers around finding Captain Zoya’s lost “bird-friend,” Coco. While some players may attempt to address this task by searching every nook and cranny of the Fedora, it is not required that they do so. Indeed, fans can find Coco in Harold Halibut without even trying, and this guide is here to elaborate upon that statement.



Harold Halibut: Coco Location

Players who are attempting to find Coco in Harold Halibut should simply set their sights on working through the game’s main tasks. More specifically, fans of indie video games must reach a point during Chapter 2 that sees them returning to the Lab District after having a conversation with Rafi. This point is likely to occur at around five hours of play time, though players who are rushing through dialogue and ignoring optional tasks are likely to reach it more quickly.

10 Best Indie Action Adventure Games

Players in the mood for an action-adventure title don’t have to look much further than the following indie gems.

For those players who would like to know more about how the encounter with Coco plays out, Harold encounters the bird in the hallway just after exiting the tube in the Lab District. When that occurs, fans of story-rich games should chase Coco into and around the Lab Quarters. This pursuit will end with Professor Mareaux capturing the bird, and that capture segues directly into returning Coco to Captain Zoya.

harold halibut find coco

To note, while no achievement is awarded upon completing the Finding Coco optional task, players will receive a notebook page for reuniting Captain Zoya with his bird-friend. This page will put fans of games with a stop-motion aesthetic one step closer to earning the Forschergeist achievement, which centers around filling in Harold’s notebook, and that is sure to be of interest to players who are going for 100% completion of the game.

For those players who are undertaking that endeavor, it is worth mentioning that there are several achievements in Harold Halibut that can be easily missed. While those missable achievements frequently take the form of optional tasks that appear in Harold’s PDA, that is not always the case. Players who are working toward 100% completion, and are not interested in performing multiple playthroughs of the game, are thus advised to reference an achievement guide before making too much progress.

Fans of adventure video games should also know that there is an achievement to be earned by spending more than 15 hours playing the game. This means that achievement hunters should not be too focused on rushing through Harold Halibut, as they are incentivized to play it at a leisurely pace.

Harold Halibut is available for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X.

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