
  • Monster Hunter Wilds may significantly change Great Sword gameplay through its new movement options.
  • While the Great Sword has been strong in the past, its slowness stopped it from being a go-to option for some players, though Monster Hunter Wilds is seemingly changing that.
  • Improved mobility sees players being able to run with the Great Sword unsheathed, which should make using it feel more fluid and allow players to get more aggressive.

The new movement options available in Monster Hunter Wilds could turn out to be a major upgrade for one weapon in particular. There’s a good chance that a lot of the weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds will see changes in one way or another. After all, there were some notable changes between the past couple of Monster Hunter games, so there’s a clear pattern suggesting this is likely. This time around, it’s the new adjustments to the player’s movement that could lead to some of the biggest impacts in terms of strategy. In particular, one weapon’s utility could see a major change as a result: Great Swords.

The chance for some game-changing features in Monster Hunter Wilds is a big reason to be excited about the game. The announcement trailer alone promised some thrilling new twists to the game’s hunting mechanics, and further gameplay reveals are following suit. The series’ core of monster hunting is still intact, as it should be. However, there are already a few new details that should give the game’s hunts a feeling all their own. A lot of these features are generally just useful additions to the game. In a few cases though, some weapons could see major overhauls to their strategies in Monster Hunter Wilds.


Monster Hunter Wilds: Alma Is Already a Good Omen for the Story

Monster Hunter Wilds’ Alma may be the typical Handler the franchise is used to seeing, but she has one distinct characteristic that breaks the mold.

Monster Hunter Wilds’ New Mechanics Could Radically Change Great Sword Gameplay

Monster Hunter’s Great Swords May Become More Than Slow, Powerful Weapons

In one of the scenes from the gameplay reveal of Monster Hunter Wilds, the player is seen running toward a monster while holding a Great Sword. In past games, Great Swords have been one of the most powerful weapons in terms of sheer damage, especially with its punishing charged slashes. However, they also came with the downside of being one of the slowest weapons, even slowing the player’s movement speed when unsheathed. This made Great Swords into a weapon with high risks and high rewards, especially with how agile and powerful many monsters are. Monster Hunter Wilds may have given the weapon a new angle, though.

The Great Sword could be one of the weapons getting reworked in Monster Hunter Wilds. The sprint with the blade unsheathed could be a new ability, or it could be a part of the player’s moveset. It should be noted that a second scene shown in the trailer also depicted the player running with a Great Sword while seemingly dragging it against a monster. Either option points to a potential rework that adds some much-needed mobility to the weapon in a hunt. A shuffling of abilities could be revolutionary to the way the Great Sword plays in Monster Hunter Wilds.

Monster Hunter Wilds’ New Features Open Plenty of Strategic Opportunities

This isn’t the first time that the game has hinted at improved mobility. Fans already knew about the new mount in Monster Hunter Wilds, and the latest trailer spotlighted it once more. Players can hop on and off the mount in the midst of combat, similar to the Palamutes from Monster Hunter Rise. This, combined with the running Great Sword option, makes it more of a mobile weapon than ever before. Not to mention, the ability to swap weapons with the mount adds even more versatility. Monster Hunter Wilds‘ take on the Great Sword will likely feature a world of new strategies.

A shuffling of abilities could be revolutionary to the way the Great Sword plays in
onster Hunter Wilds

Wielding Monster Hunter Wilds‘ Great Sword could be a different experience than in any previous title. While players will see Monster Hunter Wilds breaking traditions in a few ways, a few of those are likely to involve weapons getting significant overhauls. The Great Sword is a visible option already, with ways to get around its traditionally slow pace already being shown off.

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Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter Wilds is the latest entry in Capcom’s decorated franchise, and the game is expected to launch in 2025.

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