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Guts & Blackpowder offers players a rather unusual survival horror gameplay. You will have to fight hordes of dangerous zombies during the Napoleonic Wars, which will significantly reduce your arsenal. But despite this, you can have a lot of fun in the game, especially if you use Commands. Therefore, this guide will tell you about all the Admin Commands and how to use them in Guts & Blackpowder. As the name suggests, these Commands are only available to admins. Therefore, next, we will also tell you how to become one.


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All Guts & Blackpowder Admin Commands

Guts & Blackpowder room

Command Description
/class (class) (username) /changeclass (class) (username) Use this Command to change the player’s class.
/emperor (username) /changemperor (username) (emperor) Use this Command to change the player to the chosen emperor.
/nation (nation) Use this Command to change the player’s nation.
/classlimit Use this Command to toggle the class limit.
/minigun (username) Use this Command to give a minigun to the player.
/give (username) (tool) /giveitem (username) (tool) Use this Command to give a specific item to the player.
/forcemap (map) (gamemode) /map (map) (gamemode) Use this Command to choose a map and gamemode without a vote
/spawn (zombietype) (amount) /summon (zombietype) (amount) Use this Command to spawn zombies.
/togglefreezing Use this Command to enable the Cold effect.
/togglez Use this Command to toggle zombie spawning.
/regional Use this Command to lock choosing any nation on a map.
/worldwide Use this Command to allow choosing any nation on a map.
/callescape Use this Command to set the last objective on Berezina. Also, it turns on Frezy mode.
/skipobj /skipwave (wave#) Use this Command to skip current objective or wave.
/hardcore /preparetodie Use this Command to enable Hardcore Mode.
/breaklegs (username) /break (username) /immobilize (username) Use this Command to break the legs of the chosen players.
/cannontk /cannonfight Use this Command to enable teamkilling and a friendly fire cannons.
/bring (username) /teleport (username) /getoverhere (username) /grab (username) Use this Command to teleport another player to you.
/restore (username) Use this Command to respawn a player in their current spot.
/respawn (username) Use this Command to respawn a player at the beginning.
/to (username) /gooverto (username) Use this Command to teleport to another player.
/kill (username) Use this Command to kill the chosen player.
/ff /fighting /fight Use this Command to enable friendly fire.
/ping Use this Command to see the current ping.
/hide Use this Command to disguise your player’s name.
/info Use this Command to see info about the players on the server.
/bigserver Use this Command to increase the server player limit up to 100.
/krisface (username) Use this Command to change the chosen player’s face to “:3”.
/mute (username) Use this Command to mute players.
/kick (username) (reason) Use this Command to kick a player from the server.
/console Use this Command to open the Console.
/tempban (username) (reason) (time) /ban (username) (reason) Use this Command to ban a player.


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How to Use Admin Commands in Guts & Blackpowder

Before you can use Admin Commands in Guts & Blackpowder, you need to fulfill the main requirement, namely becoming an admin. The easiest way to do this is to create a private server. After this, you can easily use any Admin Commands in Guts & Blackpowder by following these steps:

  1. Open the game chat.
  2. Then enter / and type the desired Command.
  3. Finally, press Enter to activate it.

As you can see, some Admin Commands directly affect players. However, you can partially select who will be affected by your actions using these tags:

  • @a – The command will affect all players on the server, including you.
  • @m – The command will only affect you. Use only for Teams that, by default, affect all players.
  • @o – The command will affect all players on the server, including you.

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September 1, 2006

Roblox Corporation

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