
  • Move to a new city for a fresh start in Sims
  • Explore new neighbors and buildings for a unique vibe.
  • Add a family member to shake things up at home. Create elaborate storylines and stir the pot.
  • Take control of another family or let your Sims take control with their whims for a new gameplay experience.

Starting a brand-new Sims 4 save file is always exciting; gamers get to choose different traits, live in another world, and try other careers. The possibilities seem endless at first, but sooner or later, it’s likely that gameplay will start to feel a bit stale, as fans get accustomed to their Sims, the household dynamic, and even the people that live around them.


The Sims 4: 10 Mods That Make Building Easier

Sims 4 players shouldn’t ignore these essential mods that make building a lot easier.

This article will try to give players new ideas for them to explore with the households that they’ve been playing with for a while now so they can avoid having to abandon the save file and their Sims after spending so much time with them.

1 Move to a New City

New City, New Neighbors, New Possibilities

The Sims 4 San Sequoia World

It’s possible to mix things up without having to modify the save file itself. Sometimes, players just need to completely change their surroundings, so moving to a different world in The Sims 4 might be what does the trick to keep players entertained for a while longer.

A new city means that there are different buildings to visit and exciting people and families that gamers probably haven’t come across many times before. On top of this, since every city on the world map has its own theme, the setting of the world will be completely different, which will create a unique vibe compared to the household’s previous home.

2 Add a Family Member to the Household

Bring a Distant Relative or an Old Friend Into Your Home

When it starts to get a bit stale at home, gamers might want to consider throwing in a new character to the mix. Players who enjoy creating their own storylines can even come up with an elaborate background story for this addition to the household.


The Sims 4: Best Legacy Challenges, Ranked

Legacy challenges are a great way to get back into The Sims 4 if it is feeling a bit boring, and these are the best ones for players to try.

Why not bring an old roommate if players have a Sim who went to college with the Discover University expansion pack? Perhaps, it’s a cousin who got divorced and needs a place to stay. Nevertheless, having a strange Sim in the house will undoubtedly stir the pot.

3 Create New Neighbors

Have the Family Next Door Move Out

Tired of seeing Bob and Eliza Pancakes in the house next door? Have them move out and bring in a chaotic couple, eager to get in your business, or maybe even create the most compatible friend ever. Changing the household that lives next door can have a major impact on players’ Sims. The possibilities are endless here; players can make their ideal dream neighbors or the most nightmarish neighbors ever.

Gamers who aren’t sure of the type of Sims they should create can choose a household from The Sims 4 Gallery or choose a random pre-made household from Manage Worlds.

4 Add Events to the Calendar

Modify the Calendar to Create Special Occasions

This isn’t a commonly talked about feature in The Sims 4, so many fans might not be aware that they can create custom holidays if they own the Seasons expansion pack. Even though this DLC comes with a set of pre-made holidays, gamers can create their own by choosing a day and then selecting the Add a Holiday option.


The Sims 4: 10 Custom Holidays To Spice Up Your Calendar

Why not jazz up your Sims 4 experience with these top-notch custom holiday ideas!

This feature is awesome because it lets players title their holiday, choose its traditions and even pick if it should grant them a day off from school or work. This way, fans can celebrate anniversary events, recreate Halloween or St. Patrick’s Day, and they can even come up with brand-new holidays for just about anything.

5 Take Control of Another Family

Make Use of Manage Worlds

As gamers move onto another generation while playing through a Legacy Challenge in The Sims 4, they’ll inevitably have to move out some of their siblings and more distant family members. When they start to feel bored, they might want to consider taking control of one of these families and making all sorts of decisions, such as creating more cousins or moving them up in their careers – who knows how this might impact your current family.


The Sims 4: All Afterschool Activities, Ranked

Afterschool activities are a great way for younger sims to earn benefits and learn skills, and these are the best ones to join

Alternatively, they can also choose a household and make decisions that will lead them back to their original household. For example, players can take over the life of their high school crush and generate a series of events that leads said crush into falling in love with the player’s Sim, modifying both their stories in the process.

6 Let Your Sims Take Control

Check Out Your Sims’ Whims

Since gamers are oftentimes so into the storylines they’ve created in their heads, it’s easy to forget that Sims can have their personal wishes in The Sims 4.

When players are unsure what to do next, they might want to check out their Sims’ whims/wants by hovering over the thought bubbles on top of their Sim’s head in the bottom left corner of the screen.

To activate Whims or Wants in The Sims 4, open the Settings menu, go to Gameplay, and select Show Wants & Fears.

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