
  • Pokemon Legends: Z-A may be featured in an upcoming Pokemon Presents, possibly in August.
  • The game’s release date is still unclear, with only a general 2025 window set.
  • Game Freak might opt for a limited reveal at the next Pokemon Presents and save a full showcase for closer to the game’s release.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A was notably absent from the recent June Nintendo Direct. While not entirely unexpected, this has led many to wonder when the next flood of information could pour in. Pokemon Legends: Z-A has a pretty clear path forward in the near future, unless Game Freak decides to prioritize the game’s release date.

To people that closely follow the Pokemon series, its absence from the June Nintendo Direct may not have come as that much of a surprise. Pokemon news is often reserved for the periodic release of Pokemon Presents. Precedent dictates that one could be right on the horizon, but if Game Freak breaks precedent, the situation around Pokemon Legends: Z-A grows a little more complicated.


Predicting Pokemon Legends: Z-A’s ‘Ingo’ Character

Pokemon Legends: Arceus featured returning character Ingo in another time period, and Pokemon Legends: Z-A could also feature a time traveler.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A News Could Be Right Around the Corner, but Nothing is Confirmed

Pokemon Presents Might Be on the Horizon

Pokemon Presents isn’t much different from other game showcases. Reporting exclusively on Pokemon games and other related media, Pokemon Presents is the primary place Game Freak tends to reveal major information about its current projects. Pokemon Presents broadcasts annually on February 27, National Pokemon Day. However, there’s one other major window Pokemon tends to receive news during.

Pokemon Presents, similar to its other peers, often likes to release showcases during the summer. Historically, August is prime territory for a Pokemon Presents after Pokemon Day. August is right around the corner, leaving fans with a lot to potentially look forward to. Game Freak could report on any number of spin-offs, but Pokemon Legends: Z-A is the only mainline Pokemon game announced to be in development as of now, so it could be the star of an August presentation.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A Has a Distant Release Date

Pokemon Legends: Z-A has left a lot in the air about its development, and especially about the game itself. This is the main factor driving anticipation for Pokemon Presents in the first place. Pokemon Legends: Z-A was announced during Pokemon Presents on Pokemon Day 2024, and not much else has been said since then.

Even the game’s release date has yet to be made fully clear. However, Pokemon Legends: Z-A was confirmed to have an intended release sometime next year. Simply setting the release window as “2025” leaves things somewhat vague; for all fans know, Pokemon Legends: Z-A could end up as a Christmas release.

Whatever the case becomes, Pokemon Legends: Z-A is not going to be released this year, and this might mean it isn’t a priority topic for the expected late summer Pokemon Presents. It is completely possible that Game Freak may decide to prioritize other projects it may intend to release this year.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A Needs One Major Update

As much as the game’s relatively distant release window requires caution, it could also bode well for at least one detail. A summer Pokemon Presents could be the perfect place to clarify the game’s release date. Game Freak doesn’t have to jump the gun on revealing Pokemon Legends: Z-A‘s characters, plot, or even Pokemon. That could all be saved for the inevitable Pokemon Presents next February.

Pokemon Legends: Z-A may not be released for at least a whole year, which could lead to a limited reveal at the next Pokemon Presents rather than a comprehensive showcase. Game Freak may want to sit on a complete reveal until the game is in the best possible state, and since it’s only mid-2024 now, the game may still need some work. First impressions are important, especially after the backlash towards previous Pokemon reveals.

Revealing a detail like the game’s release date could provide plenty of information to feed speculation until a full reveal is ready. That way, plenty of information can be saved for closer to the game’s release date, while not leaving fans hanging entirely. Most importantly, sharing Pokemon Legends: Z-A‘s release date will give fans a better idea of when to expect a major update next.

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