
Highlights May 2024 Humble Choice includes top games like Hi-Fi Rush, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and Steelrising. Subscribers contribute to charity while snagging 8 games for $11.99, with extra discounts available for other titles in the Humble Store. Players have until June 3 to grab this month’s games for endless…

Highlights Fallout 76 players are loving the ongoing Mothman Equinox event rerun. Aside from serving as a nice change of pace from the alien fatigue that set in following two weeks’ worth of Invaders from Beyond, the event has also elicited widespread praise for its generous Treasury Notes rewards. The…

Highlights Borderlands 4 is in development, opening up new narrative possibilities after a cliffhanger ending in BL3. The game has the potential to revamp and feature vaults more substantially, offering new gameplay opportunities. With inspiration from prior DLC and spin-offs, BL4 can enhance vaults with intricate dungeon designs and unique…

Highlights A Manor Lords player creates a massive city, impressing the game’s developer and sparking competition among players to surpass the achievement. Busy-Shallot spent over 50 hours building the 4.5k inhabitant city, pushing the game’s limits and prompting developer optimization efforts. GAMERANT VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH…
