
Highlights Dedicated Skyrim fans show their appreciation for the game through creative tributes like artwork and mods. An online user has created a dragon bone cross stitch to mock the carry weight mechanic in-game. The Skyrim community remains strong after almost 13 years, eagerly awaiting news about The Elder Scrolls…

Highlights Fans are creating Fallout-themed items like a PC case incorporating recognizable game items. The recent success of the Fallout TV show has led to a surge in fan creations like this of late. GAMERANT VIDEO OF THE DAY SCROLL TO CONTINUE WITH CONTENT A talented gamer has created an…

Highlights MLB The Show 24 made improvements to Diamond Dynasty, but falls short in addressing content issues from The Show 2 The game’s reliance on high-priced card packs frustrates players, pushing towards greater monetization. San Diego Studios has time to adjust the content approach for Diamond Dynasty, hopefully making card…

Highlights GTA 6 promises to shake up Rockstar traditions with new features and a focus on revamping shooting mechanics for a more immersive experience. Fans eagerly anticipate the game’s release, with hopes for a fresh take on the franchise that includes a more dynamic and impactful combat system. Rockstar’s biggest…

Quick LinksWhat to Do with Honey and Wax Food is an important resource in Manor Lords. You can always check your supplies of food and firewood by checking the barrel next to the region name at the top of the screen, and running out of either resource will quickly cause…
