
Highlights Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 ends soon, with leaked event details hinting at an epic finale involving Pandora’s Box and Zeus. Recent events didn’t deepen the lore, leaving players hungry for more information on how the Myths and Mortals season connects to the game’s story. Dataminers offer glimpses of…

The Xbox 360 is a legendary console, and its storefront, the Xbox Marketplace, was similarly legendary, becoming one of the most prominent online stores in console history and helping pave the way for digital distribution. The Xbox store has hosted the likes of Xbox Live Arcade, which shone a light…

Highlights Many Pandaria raids in WoW now have daily lockouts, making transmog farming easier for players wanting to earn the new Bronze currency. Mists of Pandaria Remix offers a chance for players to experience old content, collect cosmetics, and enjoy raids daily. Blizzard’s concession to daily raid resets for the…

Highlights Hunters using Golden Gun in Well of Radiance face a new damage bug, nullifying a 25% damage buff. Celestial Nighthawk is a go-to exotic for solar Hunters, especially now with a relic perk that further boosts Golden Gun’s damage by 25%. To avoid the Golden Gun damage nerf, activate…


Highlights Overwatch 2 launched a new Porsche crossover event on May 14. While the collaboration was initially framed as revolving around an exclusive D.Va costume, Pharah is…